Film free Decal paper A4 Clear Laser

Film free Decal paper A4 Clear Laser
Film free Decal paper A4 Clear Laser
Only works with an Laser, Solvent or UV printer.
The sheets are sold per sheet and have quantity discounts.

Film-free decal paper is unique in it's kind because in the end it only leaves the toner on the surface.
It is a transparent decal paper.
It has some learning curve but the result is like no other and offers new possibilities!
As only the thin toner is transferred to the surface, less varnish is needed to enclose the decal with teh surface.
Even without any finfishing products the decal is very resistant to scratching, water and so washing by hand is possible, the use of a dishwasher might be possible but is not guaranteed.
The finished decal is not foodsafe, not even after baking for 30 minutes ate 250 Degrees Celsius.
Can be used on smooth, non-porous, dust and greas free surfaces which can withstand some heating (100-130 Degrees Celsius).
Of which are metals, glass, ceramics, and a lot of plastics, even sealed surfaces like wood with a clear coat.
Please note: a adjustable hot airgun or a good hairdryer is needed to dry the glue. 

The material is ment for laser printers but can also be used with Solvent, UV printer and thermal transfer printers like microdry.
It consists of a paper carrier, on which is a thin film which will hold the toner together while making the transfer. (removed in the end)
The image will be printed in mirror-image and while using a special decal glue fixed on the surface.
This decal glue is to be purchased separately see the tab "Related Products".

In short how to use:
- Print your image in mirrored mode and cut it out. 
- Pour a little water onto a plate and lay the decal in it till the paper carrier is soaked.
- Apply "Decal Glue Type 1" (S2026) to teh surface (solde separately)
- Laye the decal printed side facing down in the glue en press it in place
- Remove the paper carrier by sliding it off
- Rub the decal to remove excess glue and flatten it out 
- Heat the decal with a hairdryer at it's highest setting or a adjustable hot-airgun for 3minutes.
  Use between 100 and 130 Degrees Celsius, the higher the faster de decal is dry and the more resistant it gets.
  The temperature to use it depending on the kind of surface
- Press softly with an wet tissue.
- Leave to cool after which remove the protective film that is left behind.
Optional: You can heat the object and decal at 250 Degrees Celsius to make it more resistant (especially usefull on glass and ceramics)

Do you have this problem

This could be the solution:

It is about moisture content in the paper. You can eliminate a lot of problems by dehumidifying the room where you have the printer to 45-50% humidity and bringing the room to approximately 18-20°c. What you can try is to leave the sheets open and exposed on a table overnight so that it can acclimatize to your space and then start printing. This often solves a lot of problems.


€ 2,75 *
Preis pro 1 StĂĽck

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Sandra - 03-06-2024 11:41

Super leuk spul. Alles in spiegelbeeld via een laserprinter bij een kopieercentrum laten printen. Wij hebben het op borden gebruikt. Het is wel lastig als je een opstaand of opgaand randje hebt, want dan kunnen er bubbeltjes in komen. Hou daar rekening mee.
Na het opbrengen hebben wij 5 min het in de oven gedaan op 180 graden.
vervolgens na het afkoelen de film verwijderd. het wegpoetsen van de lijm is na het verwijderen van de film wel wat lastig, maar het lukt wel (bij daglicht is dit het beste te zien). Vervolgens 30 min op 200 graden in de voorverwarmde oven.
We hebben twee testbordjes in de vaatwasser gehad bovenin en eco programma en het zit er nog steeds prima op.

de squeegee rubber is wel heel handig om te gebruiken. Wel een beetje natmaken als je het plaatje de eerste keer erop gaat wrijven.

We hadden wel wat te veel lijm gekocht, maar beter te veel dan te weinig. :-).

dank ook voor de uitleg van Lion. Het was best spannend om te gaan doen, maar door zijn uitleg kregen we vertrouwen. De Learning Curve klopt trouwens wel :-)

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